But before we move, here’s where we’ve been.

First Entry was 3/18/2006 at 5:46:00 AM.

We have a total of 415 entries with a total word count of 104,938 words.

If you do the math, that’s 2.64 entries per week.

The most popular entries were:

top ten geek business myths 4.40%
Blog Topics 2.30%
First………..What is a RainMaker? 1.52%
Another Guest Blogger 1.41%
Prize Corn 1.16%
Referral = Obligation 0.93%
Success Secret #3 0.83%
What an event! 0.79%
Intimidating Women 0.79%
Joe’s Escalade 0.70%
Other (404 items) 84.15%

These were the longest discussions with the number of comments per discussion.

Ask me a question! 28
Joe’s Escalade 18
Tom’s Question for the Experts 17
What’s Your Recession Strategy? 17
Svelte People at the Gym 14
First………..What is a RainMaker? 14
Reality vs Virtuality vs Unreality 13
Numbers, Baseball and My Kind of Selling 12
Hiatus 11
Trick or Truth 11
Sales Support vs. Supported by Sales 11
Kinder and Gentler….Like the IRS 10
Blog Topics 10

I won’t be posting here any more. So, please come with me. Click here for the new address. You can subscribe by email or RSS there.

Referrals – Introductions – Endorsements

I received this email today.


A friend of my and hostess at the restaurant is starting a gardening business, she is cc’d on this email
Marshall has been kind enough to offer some guidance on insurance quotes.
Also, please see Marshall’s response below # 8 as you were brought in to the mix as someone that may be able to help them out with a letter of engagement.
Also, Kirstyn and the ladies would most likely appreciate any thoughts you may have on how to bring in sales leads to the business. not sure how you handle generating sales leads for this type of business.

Kirstyn like I have been stressing to you my biggest concern for you guys is bringing in enough business for the three of you……..listen to my Dad on any advice he may have on sales he is very good at this.

Dad, thanks for the help in advance.


Whether you call this a referral, introduction, or endorsement, think about the power in the way he did it.

I am a very proud father!


So, last night, Vic & Tina came over. Wine. Sushi. Wine. Dinner. Wine. Coffee. Brownies. Wine. and scotch.

At one point, Vic said, “I didn’t expect you to put my email on your blog.” Then we started talking about how he was gonna waste spend $1,000 on advertising for new clients the first two weeks that he was in St. Croix. So, I asked him if he had read the rest of the post. I also asked where in the post did I suggest to spend ANY money on advertising. Then I asked him why he wouldn’t spend the money finding events where his prospects would hang out and he could meet them. Chamber events, networking groups, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, after hours, before hours, expos, yada, yada, yada. Set up meetings using LinkedIn, Plaxo, etc. Read and comment to blogs that originate in St. Croix. Check out Topix.

Long story short, after Tina and Elaine rolled their eyes enough, we decided to stop talking shop, but Victor ended with,”I guess that I’ll be reading about this tomorrow on your blog. I’m gonna start calling you The Blogfather“. Immediately, I heard the music and saw Vito Corleone’s face.

Or maybe, I’m a genie….Your wish is my command!