Selling Big Clients on being Best Clients

When I coach business owners and entrepreneurial salespeople, they typically already have some clients. It’s not unusual that one of their clients be “important”. Could be their biggest revenue producer. Could be their first client. Could be a strategic client or a client that has huge ‘potential’.

Could also be a huge pain in the ‘ahem’.
These ‘pain’ clients use their importance as leverage to get you to do stuff that is over and above. As I move through training, coaching and development with my clients, the focus often turns to ‘fixing’ these relationships so that they’re less stressful, less one-sided and more like the new ‘trusted adviser’ relationships that are being developed with my client’s new clients.
This is the most recent success with a big client.

On-Demand Sales Development Webinar Series

As you may know, the internet has flattened the world. I am just as likely to be working with a client across the Atlantic, the Pacific or the equator as I am to be working with a client across the street, across town or across the country. Sales is also changing. Webinars, Skype, tele-conferencing has lessened the necessity for face to face meetings in offices and sales training has also had to change to reflect these changes and help us sell in this new, flattened world.

Our On-Demand Sales Development Webinar Series is specially designed to accommodate 21st Century selling. Check it out. Indicate that you were referred by Rick Roberge and register using the partner price.